I tried to read a book on the train. A weird-looking little book. It's hard to read a weird-looking little book with somebody sitting in front of you. I kept the weird-looking little book on my knees so he couldn't see its cover. I know he'd have judged it by its cover.
Then, I wanted to go insane and shout something like 'ok, this is NOT a comic book'. And, he'd have looked at me with a surprised facial expression, not really understanding what just happened. Maybe not even knowing what the hell is a comic book.
Then, I wanted to tell him about the book in a very serious+amateurish way, like in a review from amazon.com. And he'd have listened to me quietly, nodding his head and uh-huh-ing in all the right places.
Then, i wanted him to read the book aloud to me. And he'd have used different voice intonations for all the different characters, although the book was really just a long internal monologue.
But i remained silent and kept reading over and over again the same sentence.