01h18min: SigourneyWeaver asks some guy to kill her because she has a bb alien in her tummy. Some guy seems determined to do it but then ‘half asses’ it and gives an explanation on why he can’t kill her.
01h20min: Guy says ‘that is crazy. That is horseshit’.
01h23min: Other guy looks at his own face in a mirror and acts like he’s going to splash water on his face like they always do in the movies.
01h25min: ‘point of view Alien’ scenes remind me of the video game Wipeout on Playstation1.
01h31min: Somebody is named ‘Jude’. Hey.
01h37min: Jesus. Fake end. Alien is totally not dead.
01h38min: Alien is totally dead and SegourneyWeaver screams ‘yes’ in an unsexy way.
01h40min: Man tries to convince SegourneyWeaver not to kill herself. He says ‘children’ while grinning. Feeling confused about his motives.
01h42min: SegourneyWeaver jumps into a swimming pool of fire. While she’s in the air, a bb alien pops out of her tummy and screams something that seems controversial/revolutionary for a bb alien: eeeeeee eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee
01h44min: Computer from the future displays a formal message with a retro SpaceInvader type of font.
you've been a brave man making it to the end